Dashboards are slowly dying, tap into Mobile Analytics

Dashboards are slowly dying, tap into Mobile Analytics

Posted by Estanislao García Goya

Posted by Estanislao García Goya

On October 25, 2023

On October 25, 2023

Manso WatchTower - A Slack Bot to connect your Data Warehouse to your main internal communication channel
Manso WatchTower - A Slack Bot to connect your Data Warehouse to your main internal communication channel
Manso WatchTower - A Slack Bot to connect your Data Warehouse to your main internal communication channel

Chances are, that your team relies on messaging platforms for collaboration, communication, and aligning with your shared vision. Think of slack, MS Teams, Discord, Workplace as some of those apps.

Psst, you have a highly adopted corporate app - take advantage of this -.

These messaging services have invested in creating a robust partner ecosystem enabling many 3rd party developers to incorporate extra functionality. Supercharging value in-app at a very low cost.

Your team might be using various specialized apps, each excelling in its own domain. A great example of this is the Google Drive bot that helps you give access by default to all channel participants

However, most probably your team has not been effective yet at pulling your essential business reporting logic in an automatic way—yet. 

Why not make your communication channels/threads/servers more collaborative, expeditive and friction-less?

… and whether you seek real-time updates or weekly digests, our bot brings you closer to what truly matters in your business.

Use Cases


  • You are approaching a client meeting, and don’t recall what you sold them before. Wouldn’t it be beautiful to just check their last orders in slack with just one command?

    /summary <client-name>

Business Operations

  • You’ve received an important sales order that requires your attention. It might trigger financial/logistics sub-processes and you need to be informed. Are you receiving these alerts, promptly? #notification


  • You’ve seen that ROAS in Meta has started declining. Would be excellent to bring that data with just one command, post it into a new thread and start a conversation with your colleagues to resolve it.

    /roas <[optional] platform>

Business Intelligence

  • You are building a weekly report that takes 3 hours from your business analyst + opportunity cost of not actioning if you had this information more frequently. #digest

Won’t bore you with inspirational use cases, but the reality is that possibilities are endless.


Some benefits of integrating a BI bot with your workspace are:

  • ⬆ Elevate KPI Engagement within your team: Access vital metrics instantly in your workspace for enhanced team involvement and performance improvements.

  • 📢 Democratize Data Expertise: Empower team members with self-service analytics, reducing dependence on data specialists.

  • 👋 Eliminate Data Hurdles: Simplify data retrieval and analysis, promoting seamless collaboration within your workspace.

  • 💡 Expedite Actionable Insights: Speed up decision-making with streamlined data queries, reducing response times for critical business information.

The #MansoWatchTower is your gateway to effortlessly integrating analytics into your workspace, redefining how you interact with data. It's time to bring business analytics closer to your workspace.


  • /Notifications: When an important event occurs, you should be notified. Depending on the importance of such events, this might require different stakeholders to be informed. This triggers as soon as it happens.

  • /Commands: On-demand reports you can query directly, for your own convenience or to start a conversation in a shared channel

  • /Reports: Scheduled automatic reports that can reduce manual in just a snap


  • You have developed a data warehouse for business intelligence purposes. 

  • Dashboard adoption is your main concern. Data Expertise is not well spread

  • You are using Slack as your main communication channel.

Want to learn more about how could you deploy? Reach Out

Posted by Estanislao García Goya

On October 25, 2023

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